Victoria empire under the sun download
Victoria empire under the sun download

10.15 How do prestige and badboy affect diplomacy?.10.13 How can I get rid of satellites or get rid of my satellite status?.10.12 Which long-term gains do I get from satellites?.10.11 Which benefits do I get from creating satellites?.10.8 How do I get the AI to sell me provinces?.10.7 What is a "badboy"-war? When do they occur?.10.6 How can I see how much "badboy" other nations have?.10.5 How can I see how much "badboy" I've got?.10.3 What determines how much prestige I lose when declaring war?.10.2 How many provinces is it possible to get in a peace deal?.9.12 What determines whether or not I can use the canals?.9.8 I'm playing an uncivilized nation.9.7 How do I change the size of my mobilization pool?.9.5 Many of the leaders I get are not very good, and seem to have more negative modifers than positive ones.9.4 How can I reinforce all units in an army?.9.3 Is there an overview of unit and attachment values/modifcators?.9.2 The AI units have a much higher morale than mine?!? (And related questions).9.1 At the start of the game, my manpower is (very) negative why so, and what do I do?.8.3 What are the criteria for granting statehood?.8.2 What are the differences between states and colonies?.7.8 Why aren't my factories producing anything?.7.7 How do capitalists affect production?.7.6 How does POP culture affect production?.7.5 How does POP size affect production?.7.4 How come I have such a hard time getting Machine Parts?.7.3 How does POP allocation to factories work?.7.2 What is the best clerk-craftsmen ratio?.7.1 What is the difference between using craftsmen and clerks in my factories?.6.7 How do I encourage immigration to my country?.6.4 What decides how extreme POPs are politically?.6.3 My POPs aren't particularly militant, yet there is a significant revolt risk in my provinces.6.2 How come my POPs have MIL 10? I thought I had been nice to them?.5.5 Argh! What's up with these countless stock market crashes?.5.2 My budget shows a surplus, yet I'm losing money consistently.5.1 Other than generating income to varying degrees, what happens at different tax levels?.4.1 What do all these buttons, icons, symbols and boxes mean and do?.Where can I go to get help with any technical problems I've got? 3.6 I have the Mac version of Victoria.3.4 Why can't I load a game from within the game?.3.3 Where can I find patches for the game?.

victoria empire under the sun download

3.2 The game starts in 1836 and ends in 1920.3.1 How do I load the game as a different country than the one I played previously?.2.4 How do I know if I've been playing the game too much?.2.1 How does Victoria compare to other (Paradox) games?.2 What is "Victoria - An empire under the sun"?.

victoria empire under the sun download

  • 1 Introduction to the original version of this FAQ.

  • Victoria empire under the sun download